Dibaajiimowin Project Update
Dibaajiimowin Project Update
Migisi Sahgaigan is excited to be a part of the Dibaajiimowin Project! The project will be bringing high-speed fibre optic internet access to several Treaty #3 First Nations and is a collaborative effort between the Leaderships of the communities, Grand Council Treaty #3, Bell Canada and the provincial and federal governments. Attached is the proposed route for the community. Please note that the yellow line indicates the aerial route which will follow existing hydro poles, the blue will be buried along Aspen Avenue. The line is expected to be laid in community in 2025.
For more information on the Dibaajiimowin Project, please follow the link February-22-2024-Grand-Council-Treaty-3-Dibaajimowin-Project-Releases-Fibre-Optic-Internet-Services-to-First-Nations-1.pdf (gct3.ca)