Bernadette Wabange
Trisha Kavanaugh
Sheldon Adams
Lloyd Napish
Chief Gardner

In Memory of Arnold Gardner

Sunrise: January 17, 1951 – Sunset: May 31, 2023

It is with profound sadness and grief to announce the passing of “Mizinaa-sigési” Arnold Gardner. He was instrumental in progressing Eagle Lake Band in education, housing, infrastructure, economic development, and the environment.

The Eagle Lake community has shown resilience, with general road work and housing development continuing with the possibility of ten houses in the queue for construction through the Fast Housing Program, with four scheduled for completion within the next year. With 120 houses currently, Eagle Lake continues to grow.

Eagle Lake has seen growth and innovation in housing with stable running water, our very own water tower, construction company, and an updated water treatment plant. A Family Treatment Centre moves closer to fruition and discussion for a Senior Centre has begun. We have seen more education for the community with our very own school of K-6 students, and an Adult Learning Centre.

Nuclear Waste Management talks continue with an agreement that is still in negotiation. There is also ongoing communication with Eagle Lake’s involvement in The Waasigan Transmission Line development project in Dryden.